Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 "To-Dos"

I hate New Years resolutions. Seriously, they never work. But nevertheless, every year I find myself making them. And I'm always determined to do them. Yet rarely does it ever happen. Sad huh? For example, no, I did not lose the 30lbs in 2011 that I set out to... instead I gained 10... *sigh*.

So this time around I am not making resolutions... I am making a "to-do" list. Mostly because I make one of these lists almost every week and it usually actually gets done. So maybe calling it something different than a New Years resolution will help (long shot, I know, but I gotta try something!).

So here is my "To-Do" List:

1. Get published in a cancer research journal.
2. Lose 20 lbs (I know, I know...)
3. Get on a healthy diet & exercise regiment.
4. Organize my new house so there is no chaos!
5. Continue working on my novel, and hopefully finish it!
6. Read at least 10 new books.
7. Kayak more and perfect my roll.
8. Bike at least 5 days a week.
9. Be a better wife.
10. Travel more... even if just short weekend trips.
11. Find a church that I enjoy going to every week.
12. Visit as many of my friends who have cancer as I can.
13. Save money! Mostly by eating out less.
14. Get back into oil painting.
15. Be a better person. Love more. Empathize with people. Share Christ. Be selfless.

1 comment:

  1. Reagan! Good for you for having so many health conscious "to-do's". At CTCA, we recognize that nutrition and eating right is not only a great way to feel and look good, but also help your body fight cancer. We have a team of nutritionist that just came out with a cook book called "Wholesome Temptation", which has easy/healthy recipes that our dietitians recommend for our patients every day...check it out! I am so glad to hear you had a successful surgery.
    -Your friend from Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Molly


"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting..... 'WHAT A RIDE!'"